Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Happened to Cass McBride by Gail Giles

Full Name:  Hannah C. grade: 9
Title & Author: What Happened to Cass McBride by Gail Giles

What was your impression of this book? Good
Would you recommend this book to a friend: Yes

What was your favorite part? Although the book in general was good, I think I have two favorite parts. The first was when Cass started becoming hysterical after she found out she was buried alive. It really expressed the terror she felt. Another reason it's my favorite part is that she is a shallow, manipulative, self-centered person, and I felt she needed to be put down a peg or two. My second favorite part was when Kyle almost killed his mother. His mother was a cruel, shallow, and vain person and she deserved to die slowly and horribly.

Who was your favorite character? Why?  My favorite character was David, Kyle’s brother. From what I read about him, he was a shy and awkward person. However, I believe that he was also strong, managing to somehow survive day by day under his mother’s verbal, mental and psychological torture. Plus, I’m a sucker for shy, clumsy abuse victims (I just wanted to cuddle him so bad when I found out what his mother had done to him).

Write a small summary (w/out giving away the ending)
Kyle Kirby blames Cass McBride, the most popular girl in school, for his brother’s death. So he kidnaps her and buries her alive, planning to keep her there forever. But Cass gets him to talk and uses the power of words to keep herself alive during the most terrifying event in her life.

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