Friday, April 13, 2012

Curse of the Shamra by Barry Hoffman

Name: Naorin H. Grade: 10
Title & Author: Curse of the Shamra by Barry Hoffman
What was your impression of this book?:  Okay
Would you recommend this book to a friend: No 

What was your favorite part? My favorite part was when Pilla’s sister Rhea saves Heber from a Screech by cutting off his arm. 
Who was your favorite character? Why?
My favorite character was Glondel, because he found a clever way to rid the Shamra community of the Trocs without fighting.

Write a small summary (without giving away the ending)
Dara, a Shamra female, has to put together a rebellious army to save her Shamra country from the Trocs who have invaded them and enslaved the citizens.