Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rootless by Chris Howard

Name: Jaden A. Grade: 12
Title & Author: Rootless by Chris Howard
Impression: Excellent
Recommend: Yes

Favorite Part: The whole Book!!!!! :)

Favorite Character: I like the character Bayan in Rootless because. He is a strong and determined tree builder, who is looking for his father, in which he finds loyal friends that can help him on his adventure.

Summary: The book is about a young tree builder named Bayan who is looking for his father who was kidnapped a long time ago by Gentech agents. As Bayan is looking for his father he meets people who will help him on his mission to try and get back his father. Bayan will learn some secrets that he will never forget!!!!

Feedback: Definitely read this book!!!!!! :)

Rootless by Chris Howard

Name: Naorin H. Grade: 11
Title & Author: Rootless by Chris Howard
Impression: Good
Recommend: Yes

Favorite Part: My favorite part was when Banyan and Zee first see the bark on the Rasta's chest. This foreshadows much of the information Banyan later finds out on Promise Island. I liked this scene because the idea of wood being a part of the body is such a strange concept and difficult to grasp. I was torn between being amazed and disgusted at the thought.

Favorite Character: My favorite character was Alpha because she is such a strong character. When we first meet her, she is the enemy. However, she develops a relationship with Banyan and he can trust her even though she is a pirate. Her pirate background makes her a true leader, especially in battle.

Summary: Banyan is a nomad tree builder. He travels the nation building trees from scraps of metal for rich people who want a taste of nature in this post-apocalyptic treeless world. He encounters evidence that real trees do still exist and that his father may be found among them. Along with a few comrades, Banyan sets off to find these sacred trees. Together, the team encounters many obstacles but ultimately make it to their destination: Promise Island.

Feedback: I really enjoyed reading about the world of Rootless. It's difficult to imagine life without any trees at all and the adapting of the characters to this world was very interesting to read about.