Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stealing Kevin's Heart by M. Scott Carter

Name: Mrs. Valerie Giambona, librarian
What was your impression of the book? Good
Would you recommend this book to a friend?  Yes  
What was your favorite part?       
“ Life’s not fair, the difference between the winners and losers is that the winners never give up.”
Who was your favorite character? Why?  
Alex was the main character, and likeable. He suffers through and endures a bad situation. Feeling alone, guilty, and grief stricken, his sadness brings him to the unthinkable. 
In a small town, Alex and Kevin have been friends since kindergarten. Now seniors in high school, they have so much to look forward too. Then a horrible accident happens and Alex blames himself. Feeling this great sadness and tragedy Alex suffers in silence. His parents send him to a summer camp for troubled youths in the wilds of southeastern Oklahoma. There Alex finds the friends and support he needs to heal, and look forward to the future. Love survives...............
Additional feedback (optional)
Stealing Kevin’s Heart had a predictable plot. A good read with a great message to its readers. The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Stealing Kevin's Heart by M. Scott Carter

Name: Bethany M.  Grade: 10
What was your impression of the book? Good
Would you recommend this book to a friend?  Yes 
What was your favorite part?       
I loved the part when Alex, Rachel, and their friends visit Kevin’s grave to perform a special ceremony of stones atop the grave. When they were departing the cemetery, Rachel slammed on the brakes of the car only to see her recently broken bracelet glimmering next to the grave. That part was so special! It left sort of a supernatural feeling and I loved it! It was a great ending.
Who was your favorite character? Why?  
I loved Rachel. It’s probably pretty predictable, I’d say. But,
She’d been through so much in her life and she was so strong. I loved the fact that Alex had been there for her in her weakest moments and the strong connection they felt. Rachel reminded me of my best friend who had a heart transplant. Brave people, they are.
Alex Anderson and Kevin Rubenstein are absolute best friends. Their differences are what make them so compatible, and they couldn’t imagine life without one another. That is, until Alex needs to live through the unimaginable. Kevin is killed in a horrid motorcycle accident, and without anyone to lean on, Alex becomes more and more frustrated with the world. Blistering fury and overwhelming sadness and reminiscence of Kevin are the only ways that Alex can cope. With the world now turned away from him, Alex is sent by his parents to a summer camp to try and help his emotional distress. He believes he can no longer struggle through life without his best mate by his side, until he meets a beautiful Texas angel that shows him what life really means to people.         
Additional feedback (optional)
This was a good book! My only criticism at the moment is that I didn’t enjoy how long it took to get Alex to the camp. To me, it was lots of pages wasted on anger and anger and more anger. However, perhaps without the anger, the book wouldn’t have left the same effect. Not my favorite book, but definitely not the worst I’ve ever read.