Wednesday, April 10, 2013

In Darkness by Nick Lake

Name: Karishma R. Grade: 9
Title & Author: In Darkness by Nick Lake
Impression: Okay
Recommend: No
Favorite part: My favorite part was the ending where Shorty finds out that his sister was dead all the time, but his mother never told him because she wanted him to remain hopeful.
Favorite character: My favorite character was Maeguerite because she is was the one to keep everyone hopeful, during the hardest times.
Summary: The story begins with Shorty being buried under a collapsed hospital. He is visited by a spirit named Toussaint l’Ouverture that takes him to the different periods through Haiti. Throughout the story he tells you about how he got there and what he was trying to do.

In Darkness by Nick Lake

Name: Christine A. Grade: 12
Title & Author: In Darkness by Nick Lake
Recommend: No
Favorite part: I don’t have a favorite part in this book
Favorite character: I didn’t have a favorite character
Summary: Gang member, Shorty, is trapped under a pile of rubble after an earthquake strikes Haiti. We relive Haiti’s past through the view of Touissaint L’Ouverture, a revolutionary that lead a slave uprising nearly 200 years ago. This story is also read through Shorty’s point of view. Dark magic of voodoo and dreams, which is connecting Shorty and Toussaint together, presents itself as Touissaint L’Ouverture remerges into the boy’s body and comes out from the darkness.
Additional feedback: I didn’t enjoy the book as much as I thought I would. It seemed to drag on and it instantly made me fed up with the story after the first couple of chapters. Although I love history, I hate it when it hinders on and on, which is why I stopped reading the book half way. If you are truly into history and fiction, be my guest and read this book but otherwise, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Monday, April 1, 2013

In Darkness by Nick Lake

Name: Naorin H. Grade: 11
Title & Author:  In Darkness by Nick Lake
Impression? AwfulRecommend? No
Favorite part?   I had no favorite part.
Favorite character? Why?  I had no favorite character.
Small summary:  Shorty gets stuck alive under the rubble from a hospital that collapsed during the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. He tells his story of how he got to that point as he dreams of Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Haitian rebel who led the slave revolt 200 years ago.
Additional feedback: This book was so boring that I couldn't finish it, which means it must be incredibly boring because I always make an effort to finish a book no matter how much I dislike it. It was much too slow and just kept going on and on about things rather than moving forward. The Then chapters were especially boring because they were all historical and I'm not a fan of history.